4 Tips to Prepare for a Home Survey

We know that a lot of homeowners will worry if a surveyor is due to come into their home. After all, their job is to inspect everything and make sure your home is structurally sound and everything is as it should be. What if they judge you for things that aren’t right? Firstly, rest assured […]

How to Choose the Right Surveyor for Your Property Purchase

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When you’re buying a new home, you have a lot of decisions to make. How many bedrooms do you need? Where do you buy? Do you want a period home, or a more modern style? And so on. Some of those decisions are exciting, while others are less so. One of those potentially less interesting […]

First Time Buyers, Listen Up!

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Buying your first home is one of the most exciting things you can ever do. But it can also be a very confusing, expensive and sometimes terrifying experience. There’s a lot of jargon to deal with, and the whole process can seem a lot more complex than it needs to be. There can even be […]